• PEI

BC Turkey Association


The B.C. Turkey Association (BCTA) was formed in 1951 under the Societies Act and was mainly a social venue for turkey farmers in BC. Committees included Membership & Public Rleations, Turkey Shows, Marketing, Entertainment and Social, Publicity and Advertising and Poultry Industries Council.

The objects of the Society were:

1. To bring together all persons interested or engaged in the raising of turkeys and to promote the welfare of those so interested or engaged within the Province of British Columbia.

2. To gather and disseminate information upon the raising of turkeys and the improvements of the breed and feeding and selling of turkeys.

3. To promote the marketing and sale of turkey eggs and turkeys and to enlarge the market demand for turkeys and turkey eggs in such manner as the Society may deem expedient and particularly by advertising in newpapers and periodicals of all descriptions and by distribution of advertising matter and display of advertising of any kind.

4. To make such arrangements as the Society shall deem expedient with similar societies, associations or corporations within and without the Province of British Columbia, for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the Socieity as specified in (1) and (3) above.

In October 1965 the BCTA passed a resolution to move forward in forming the British Columbia Turkey Marketing Board (BCTMB) in order to improve the marketing of turkey products and provide stability to the turkey industry.  The board was formed in1966 by an order in council with 95% support from the turkey farmers in BC.   The first members of the BCTMB were appointed by the BCTA but are now elected by the BCTA membership at their Annual General Meeting.

The B.C. Turkey Association has evolved into taking a more leadership role on issues facing the turkey farmers in BC. The B.C. Turkey Association actively participates in all areas that affect the production of turkeys in BC, such as Environmental, Bio-Security and On-Farm Food Safety. The Association is also a member of the BC Poultry Association and the BC Agricltural Counsel. In addition the BCTA provides valuable input to the BCTMB on issues of concern to the turkey industry in BC.


The Association is comprised of six directors who are elected by the B.C. Turkey Association membership. The elected directors serve a two year term and are elected from the Register of Growers. Terms are staggered in order to provide continuity.


In addition to all other powers conferred by law, the Board of Directors shall have the power:

  • To make arrangements with similar societies, associations or corporations within and without the Province of British Columbia, for the interchange of information relative to the raising, improving and sales of turkeys or for promoting the welfare of the Society’s members.
  • To watch over and protect the interest of the Society in relation to the objects of the Society.
  • To take up, on behalf of any member, any legal or other proceedings involving any matter of common interest to the Society as a whole.
  • To provide ways and means of raising the necessary money to pay and defray expenses incurred in carrying out the objectives of the Society, and to make in accordance with the By-Laws, assessments on the members of the Society in such amounts and at such times as the Directors may determine, such assessments when made to constitute a debt due to the Society by the respective members.
  • To apply for and obtain trademarks and other registrations.
  • To enter into contracts or agreements with any person, partnership, society or company, whether a member of this Society or company or not, in relation to the objects of the Society; all such contracts to be signed by the President or Vice-President and the Secretary-Treasurer, with the seal of the Society affixed thereon.
  • To acquire and own real estate.
  • To raise, borrow or secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for the purpose of the Society, subject to Section (10) of “The Societies Act”.



To download the complete Association Bylaws or Constitution, please select one of the links below: